Author's Comments:

So! Here we are! First chapter, huh... finally, I say. Noice reminds me of this song... 


The lights were turned off as usual. The small apartment was filthy, and filled with all sorts of electrical equipment. The blinds were turned, and the curtains closed. It was night, and Idiot Town didn’t make much noise, except the occasional barking dog barking in the distance or some unlucky fellow getting mugged. The only thing that lit up the dark apartment was a computer screen, radiating its sharp light. In front of the screen, drinking Greenman, sat a young blonde male. His face had a couple of piercings, and he wore clothes that could best be described as a combination between white, black and light green, topped by a tie, light green as well. His name was Noice Merdur, and he was typing something fast with his bandaged hands. The web browser was showing the site facenote.ia, a famous website known for the fact that almost everybody was registered there. Noice scrolled through the recent activities, when a recent status update caught his interest. It had been posted by a teenage girl, and involved something about her boyfriend cheating on her. Noice put his hand on the wireless router next to the screen and closed his eyes for a couple of seconds. Afterwards, he updated the page to make sure. And indeed, the status update was now gone without a trace.

“That’ll do for a midnight snack,” Noice mumbled as he looked at the time in the screen’s corner. It was already half past six.

“Well, maybe not exactly a midnight snack… more like early morning snack, I guess.” He yawned and let his head rest on the keyboard. The computer’s gentle humming was pretty soothing…


The world - if it could even be called that – outside the windows was infinitely white like always. Why it was like that was beyond Eimon’s understanding. Although he only had interest in eating souls, he had to admit that it somehow piqued his interest. Eimon Castor, a familiar in the form of a white-haired human wearing glasses, turned around to study the corridor’s inside instead. The walls surrounding him were blue and black-checkered, so was the floor and ceiling. As far as Eimon knew, it had always been like this. He couldn’t help but to wonder what the ones that built the Gate Corridor thought when they planned the design. Oooh! Let’s make everything  blue… and black… checkered! That’ll mess up people’s brains for sure! A sudden noise from his pocket brought the familiar back to reality. He picked up an old, black communication device and pressed a big button on the top.

“Yes? Who is this? Why are you bothering me?” he said, not surprisingly – he acted like familiars would, after all.

“Stupid Demon!” he got as an answer. “A dremon just passed through the door to Idiot Town!” the female voice continued. “Isn’t that your area?” Eimon answered, irritated:

“ROD told me he would take over my route today, so that I would be able to get some time off.”

“Idiot! ROD isn’t working today, remember?”

“I do not remember that.”

“Well, he isn’t! Worthless demon! The ROD you met was a dremon! Now it’s loose in Idiot Town!”


“"Oh" my ass! Go get rid of it, now!”

“Yes, miss ULF,” Eimon answered and sighed. He put the device back into his pocket and began walking towards the door leading to Idiot Town. It seemed as if he was going to have to travel to yet an unpleasant and brain-messing place. Meanwhile, at a certain school in a certain town, a teacher just took a sip of his daily cup of tea. 

This is the first chapter of this series 

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